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Following the AGM of the UKIP Ashford Kent branch on Saturday 12th January 2019, the Committee and key contact details are as follows:


Chairman: Eddy Barrows. Tel:  01797 270 391    


Secretary: Susannah de Sanvil

Tel:  01233 621 663  

Committee Member: Ann Taylor

Tel:  01322 822 132


Treasurer: Jim Lucy.    Tel: 01233 501 153    



Membership secretary: Norman Taylor (webmaster)

Tel: 01233 822 132

Committee Member: Peter Stewart.

Tel:  01580 292 773    

Committee Member: Alan Newill.

Tel:  01580 292 773  


Committee Member: Neil Burgess

Tel: 01233 662 623




Published & Promoted by the UK Independence Party Ashford Branch at Festival Bungalow, Colt Estate, Pluckley Road, Bethersden, Kent TN26 3DD
Contact: Tel 01233 822 132   Mobile: 07523 889 028  E-Mail: